April 2024 newsletter
Summer 2023/24
After having such a successful summer season, Ladybirds Netball Club invited all members to Noarlunga Zone Bowling for the end of summer season presentations. Players across all age groups displayed their bowling skills in group games along with doing formal presentations of each teams award winners. Congratulations to all of the award winners from each team.
Congratulations to our Under 13s Red and Inters teams who made it to the grand final, sadly both teams missed out on the premiership after very tough games.

A massive congratulations to our Under 11s Black team who took out their premiership! Ladybirds were very successful this summer season and we cant wait to compete again during the winter season.

2024 Committee Members

Winter season 2024
As we approach the start of the winter 2024 season, the club has also begun pre-season training. Team letters have been sent out (check your junk mail) and teams have begun pre-season trainings. These trainings are used as an opportunity to develop bonds and skills as a team to put them into a great position as games begin.

We try to participate in as many carnivals as possible at Ladybirds as it is an opportunity to further challenge our players and develop their skills. It is also a great bonding opportunity for players.
Currently, nominations are open for the 2024 Marlene Lang Memorial Carnival at SUNA for Seniors, Inters, Mens, Mixed and Boys (12-16 years).
This carnival will be held on Sunday 26th May 2024 and nominations must be in by midnight on Sunday 5th May.
Refunds will be issued if we do not have enough interest to make a team.
This is currently the only carnival open for registrations, but more opportunities will be provided throughout the year, so keep you eyes peeled on our social media.
Register here

Upcoming Events and Dates
Winter Round 1: April 23rd - April 26th
Sideliners Match and Crazy Sock Training: May 9th
Inters & Senoirs Carnival: May 26th
Little Ladybirds Link Opens: June 1st